Hello adrian ,
My name is Theo Hunink and I'm sailing on the "Thema" formaly "Rose" an Ufo 34 from Holman&Pye and build by Colvic.
First my compliments of the "renegade site" and the "Ufo News", wich I 'found on the internet.
My English is not so well, so sorry for faillures that I make, but I'm trying .
The "Thema ist the boat is of very close frend of mine, and we are sailing it thogether. He bought the boat in 2006 and we saild the boat for two months
then we stripped the hull and coated it with epoxy. The deck was stripped and repaird and we build an steeringwheel on it.
After five months we could sail again and renamed it to "Thema".
Our Port of registry is in Urk (The Netherlands) at the IJselmeer, an very nice place to sail and one hour driving from our home.
This winter we are working at the inside of the boat, new seeling, heater and navigation instruments to make everything so confeniant as possible.
The reason why I 'm writing is I want to know more about the Ufo 34, do you have any documentation of the builder or specifications of performance?
You can also put us at the owners list
Name ship Thema
Owner Matty van der Linde
country The Netherlands
port of registry Urk
Hi just a quick question, I have Achray with a 1.5 Bmc engine and prm260 gearbox, There is oil dripping out of the rear crank due the the angle it is mounted at and there only been an oil thrower fitted on this engine. Does anyone know how to stop this?
Also what Engine/Gearbox does everyone else have?
Regards Lee
The only info I have is that our (Renegade's) box is: a Newage Hydraulic with a 1.75 lit oil capacity using the same grade as the engine. Stuart was not familiar with it prior to working on R. I do not know what an oil thrower is.
Personal comments from me, and I am not not an engineer!
I would suggest completely cleaning the engine with an engine cleaning product and running it up to normal temperature then very carefully checking exactly where the oil comes from. Particularly check the oil filter, rocker box cover, 'oil pressure (instrument)' connection to the crank case, drive shaft to the gearbox oil filler etc, because it is more likely to be one of these points and far easier to repair than to take the engine out to solve the problem.
If the engine appears to leak from the sump cover then does it leak from the gasket or is the cover perforated? Either way you might have to raise the engine up or remove or repair and in any case if there is a leak here I would think that would indicate a marine engine needs an inspection / overhaul because leaks always get worse.
Hi theo and compiments with your ufo! I's have a question on how you stripped the hull and put new epoxy on it cause our Ufo is showing signs of osmosis as well. Regarding your question on information on the Ufo, I have some original designs from the Ufo which might interest you. You can find my e-mail on the list of Owners, our ship is the Anda, which, btw Adrian, has moved it's harbour to Stellendam, could you change that in the list? Thanks!
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