Dear UFO 34 sailors all over the world,
Happy New Year and good sailing in 2005
Richard Brabazon emailed to tell me that the link from was not working. Well, I have fixed it, so send in your news and pictures.
(Renegade Syndicate)
The place for sailors and everyone else interested in the UFO 34. To contact UFO News attach a comment to any post.
Dear UFO 34 sailors all over the world,
Happy New Year and good sailing in 2005
Richard Brabazon emailed to tell me that the link from was not working. Well, I have fixed it, so send in your news and pictures.
(Renegade Syndicate)
My apologies for any interruption to service on This is because I have moved the domain to a new service provider and I have some fine tuning to do.
But, don’t let this stop you from sharing your news with the other UFO 34 owners.